CCAV Governance


CCAV is governed by a statutory constitution referred to as the Rules of Association. Accordingly, the association structure consists of a Committee of Management elected annually by the membership. The Committee of Management consists of the positions of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and up to four committee members. In addition, a part-time Secretariat office is operated to provide resources and support to the Committee of Management and CCAV members

  • Download the Rules adopted by CCAV September 2024.


(From the Department of Health website) ‘Where a cemetery requires advice or assistance relating to the application or interpretation of the Act, then the Cemetery Trust should be directed to the department for assistance.

Class A trusts have a leadership role to assist Class B trusts with; operational and governance matters relating to cemeteries; record keeping systems suited to the requirements of cemetery trusts; standard form documentation suitable for cemetery trust purposes and tendering and contracting processes and requirements.

However it is important to note that assistance should only be provided where the Class A trust feels comfortable and capable of providing the assistance requested.

Where a Class A trust does not feel they can provide the assistance which is being sought they should either refer the Class B trust to another Class A trust or to the department.

Class B trusts who receive advice/assistance from Class A trusts are not obligated to act on the advice provided to them, particularly if they are unsure about the advice/assistance provided or decide that it is not suitable. The department can be contacted at any time for assistance by any trust.’

Visit the Department of Health website by clicking here: Department of Health, Cemeteries and Crematoria or on any of the links below:


"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else."

- Booker T. Washington