CCAV Membership

The Cemeteries and Crematoria Association of Victoria (CCAV) is an industry body for the cemeteries and crematoria industry in Victoria. We exist solely to provide support to our members. As a member of the CCAV you will benefit from Professional Representation, Professional Development and Professional Support


We proactively consult with the government, media, the Department of Health and other industry associations on behalf of our members – providing a strong, professional and united voice for the cemeteries and crematoria industry.

Read more: Professional Representation


We provide professional development and training opportunities to our members. Members benefit from industry specific, value for money training courses – covering topics that are relevant to our members. Our general meetings also provide members with an opportunity to network and discuss ideas with industry professionals.

Read more: Professional Development

To read more about our Training, click here: CCAV Training


We provide members with timely and relevant information on issues relating to our industry, such as changes to legislation and new entrants to the market. We do the hard work for you in translating what this means for your cemetery. We also provide you with access to experts in the industry – via access to the CCAV membership base.

Read more: Professional Support

“Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of many minds.”

- Alexander Graham Bell

Categories of Membership

In 2003, amendments to the Rules of Association adopted by CCAV members enabled the creation of two additional membership categories. The Committee of Management and Members voted to broaden the existing membership base to admit Affiliate and Associate members. This development is in recognition of the mutual value of extending the professional base of CCAV with the inclusion of industry related colleagues.

This restructure of membership opportunities recognises:

  • And reflects the very positive input made in recent years to the CCAV by industry suppliers and other non members
  • The important contribution made to our industry and client families by a wide spectrum of professionals and enterprises
  • The need to provide an industry wide forum
  • That all members will benefit from involvement in a truly broad based industry association.

Member This classification is available to organisations that administer the affairs of one or more cemeteries and/or crematoria in the State of Victoria. The nominated representative of each of these members is eligible to vote, where necessary, on behalf of the member. Cemeteries and crematoria members have the opportunity to attend the bi-monthly general meetings, the annual general meeting, Christmas lunch and country conference. General meetings are often followed by lunch at no financial cost to the Cemetery Trust. They will receive agendas, minutes and other CCAV communications; have access to the member login section of the website and to the resources of the association and the committee of management.

The membership fee structure for this member classification is tiered, acknowledging the considerable variations that exist in the number of cremations and burials conducted by member organisations.

This is available to organisations and professionals associated with or interested in the cemeteries and crematoria industry (such as funeral celebrants, industry suppliers, memorial gardens, monumental masons, funeral directors, grief counsellors and consultants and industry related trading enterprises).

Affiliate members enjoy significant member benefits including the opportunity to attend the bi-monthly general meetings, the annual general meeting, and country conference. They will electronically receive agendas, minutes and other CCAV communication material; have access to the member login section of the website and to the resources of the association and the committee of management. Although they have no voting rights, their proactive involvement within the association will ensure that all Members are better informed. Affiliates can propose or second membership nominations.

There will continue to be significant benefits for organisations associated with the cemeteries and crematoria industry to sponsor and exhibit at CCAV events, and they will be invited to do so. Future sponsorship and exhibition opportunities will provide a differentiated fee scale, favouring Affiliates relative to non members.

This classification is available to natural persons actively engaged in the cemeteries and crematoria industry, or those who have made a significant contribution to the industry. Associate Members enjoy significant member benefits including the opportunity to attend the bi-monthly general meetings, the annual general meeting, and country conference. They will electronically receive agendas, minutes and other CCAV communication material and have access to the member login section of the website. Although they have no voting rights, their proactive involvement within the association will ensure that all Members are better informed. Associates can propose or second membership nominations.

The category of Associate Member may only be applied for by individuals who do not fit the criteria to be an Affiliate Member. It is possible for individual persons, whose organisation is either a Cemeteries and Crematoria Member or an Affiliate Member, to apply to be an Associate Member as well.